Student Solution


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1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

Supporting children with behavioral issues

supporting children with Behavioral Issues

Q Please, make sure to read relevant course materials and watch any relatedvideos before writing a 100-word response to this question: What types of classroom supports do children with behavioral issues need in order to thrive? Make sure to hit "Reply" on another student's post and leave meaningful comment in order to get full credit.

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Children with behavioral issues need additional support from parents, teachers, and other caregivers. Few steps can help the children overcome their problems. The caregivers should increase the amount of supervision on the children to avoid any mishap. One needs to find out the reasons for the children’s behavioral issues. The tasks which are assigned to the children should be manageable for them so that they do not get frustrated. Students should get choices and the right to choose what they want to do. If a child is allowed to do what he loves, he becomes less stubborn. Children should get the assurance that they will get help whenever they need it ("Strategies for Teaching Students with Behavioral Problems | Resilient Educator", 2017). Teachers and caregivers should try to manage the children with behavioral issues by praising, rewarding, ignoring, reducing privilege access, or even being apologetic ("Strategies for Teaching Students with Behavioral Problems | Resilient Educator", 2017). In short,